Legal notice in accordance with ยง5 of the German Telemedia Act

Lignovis GmbH
Tietzestr. 29
D-22587 Hamburg

Gasstr. 4
D-22761 Hamburg

Phone: +49 (0) 178 144 7140
Email: info[at]

Location of company register court: Hamburg
HRB-Number: 120904
VAT-IdNr.: DE281429301
FoVG (Forestry Seed Act) company number: 021 2603 4
Managing Director: Michael Weitz


Hypertext Links
The website of Lignovis GmbH contains hypertext links to other websites. Lignovis GmbH is not responsible for compliance with data privacy regulations on these websites and assumes no responsibility of any kind for their content.
If you wish to provide a link to the website of Lignovis GmbH, this must always refer to the home page; the target page may not be opened in a frame within the linking page.

Copyright, Intellectual Property
All information published on the website of Lignovis GmbH (text, images, music, graphics, animations, videos etc.) and their arrangement on the website are subject to copyright. The duplication, distribution, reproduction, forwarding and other use is prohibited unless prior written permission is given by Lignovis GmbH.

All information and diagrams on the website of Lignovis GmbH are provided without guarantee. Although the utmost care is taken in the authoring of the website, Lignovis GmbH can make no guarantee that the information provided on these pages is free of errors. Lignovis GmbH accepts no liability for damage directly or indirectly resulting from the use of its website except in the case of intent or gross negligence on the part of Lignovis GmbH.

Trade Marks
All trademarks used on our websites are subject to trademark protection. This applies in particular to company names, logos, emblems and the names of services.